Mic Drop In Central Park
"Dylan, I was taking a stroll in the park with my bunk mate from Forced Fem Boarding School, his Ex GF has made him officially female and changed his name to Liza Minelli, it suits him TBH but he's beside himself. Yar so that's not the point we had the misfortune to run into those Bad Boys who've been picking on you since High School. They thought they were so funny going on about how Dylan's such a loser the only way he could get laid was with a Pint Sized Loser Forced Femboi whose own Mom agreed he had blown his shot at manhood. I totally owned them about how we only make out and snuggle because as two total pure virgins we want our first time to be extra special and within marriage obvs. I think they were legit lost for words but they tried to play it orf by fake laughing imo. A big commitment? Don't be Silly Cutie it's like two stops on the subway to get the marriage license. Imagine it both of us never knowing the touch of another ever, how romantic ...