I Don't Backpack Too Often


"It makes me feel so bad to see it, you are such a good hearted fella, your single Mom did an amazing job. You were the first to say to the boys in dorms to not dunk on me or mock me anymore.

But actuals include The Forced Femmy in all your activities and treat me fairly. My Bitchboi peers are special to me, who else gets the humiliation and sadness? But Dan, I consider you my Bestie.

It's means a lot to bond and comfort you, tears are healthy af. But your GF treats you like dirt, thinks she's like better than you, because she's more academically gifted and wealthy.

She doesn't respect you and thinks you are just a dumb Himbo easy to train and an ok lay for college. She's not gonna marry an average Joe even if you are Dreamy, she'll trade up to someone with more clout and you'll be crushed, Honey.

She says you're 'smart in your own way'. Dude rally? Every Forced Femmy Ditz has heard that from a Man, it's translates to 'I think you are as dumb as a box of rocks but I still wanna bang you!'

Don't take this as a diss Cutie, I pretty much only act truly dumb to get myself out of trouble. So I consider you my mental equal that's a real solid foundation for a relationship. Think about how much nicer I am to you and just as Buds.

Dump her now, so she doesn't hurt you so bad later, that's the clever decision. Well do think about it I support you no matter what. Now hit this Jay of Sissy Weed, Babe."


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