Kinsey Scale Malfunction


People laugh so hard and are constantly so hyped that my Aunt Forced Femmed me from pint sized incel hater loner with a bad attitude into a perky blonde Bitchboi ditzed pilled full of school spirit and obsessed with being on the cheer squad.

 It was important to Auntie Marissa, my legal Mommy, that I turn into a boy crazy, bicep squeezing. real man worshiper, who faints at the mere thought of pussy. She only likes straight men she can get rid of in uber when she's done with them in her life.

Humiliatingly successful sexuality switch or so I thought! So like why 

does Caitlin Clark make me wanna shake my pom poms and bounce around like giddy goofball ten times harder than any jerk Boy Jock I'm crushing on?

I hope Doctor Klein can help me get over girls for good, I couldn't even get one before I went on estrogen. I'm so weak and defenceless I'm gonna need a Chad to keep me safe! I need a reality check, not an impossible ridiculous Girl Crush!



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