Lock Up Your Daughters

"It's pretty surprised at my Forced Fem Stepson's insistence that he should be allowed to see girls again. Giving his internet habits (although hetero stuff is blocked), the reports from Doctor Klein and his rampant promiscuity with Real Men. Gosh, the amount of times at the breakfast table my Dolly is like a blissed zomibie from Sisssygasm overload....
But I've come to rally love the Ditz, I think of him as my own and does done such good work on the couch to forgive me and have the opinions and behavior I want, So I indulged him. People be like Lana you destroy a rich old money family so ruthlessly but they don't get what a push over I can be.
So the It Girl I created for Studs to ragdoll, is out looking to score some Pussy. It's not such a long shot. It's 2020 something I'm sure there's lots of Powerful Women out there open to a Boy without testicles, who gets bullied by tween girls he's so weak, cries at the drop of a hat, is barely employable and is legally named Bo Peep!
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