Boys With Careers Give Me The Ick


"Aaaawww no way Tommy ya didn't misread the signs I do like you like that, we have the best times together, I feel so close to you already. Yar well it's not about being a freshman.

I just don't think boys should go to college at all, like if it's not what I want for society, it's not what I want in a BF! 

If you decided to drop out I'd support your decision, stop wasting your Mommy's money and avoid debt and stuff. You could just say you found it too hard, your grades kinda support that right? and you'd rather do something practical. Wait tables, make coffees, retail like you can do all sorts. I'm huge believer in boys potential. 

But don't do it for me do it for yourself! Well like the whole career thing ties into it, almost all the BF's I've had who didn't make minimum wage were unemployed lol. I need to feel needed and I have to be the decision maker.

Male career ambition huge turn off. A modest job is better and way easier to quit when I'm looking for a future Homemaker Husband. Totally my man could get a part time job once our kids were at school a lot. 

I'm actuals back together with my Forced Fem BF Nellie but I worry it won't work, he feels so bad about his hotshot career and what a jerk he behaved like and all the womanizing. That's what I rally loved about him when I met him when I was doing volunteer work at the castration clinic. But I worry will it work out?

He's obsessed with humiliating himself on stage for people who hate the sort of privileged entitled toxic Douchebag Nellie used to be. Will he ever be able to be satisfied with a quiet life of dropping the kids at soccer practice and doing his chores in Ugg slippers and a housecoat? Maybe I just need a regular Joe or Tommy?

Tommy! You know I do volunteer work and I'm a feminist. OMG I'm hardly radical that's hurtful!"


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