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"Timmy, right yep Tommy I knew that. Thanks for coming to this little houseparty but what are you doing with that silly thing? Ugh! Minnie get this Boy a real drink right now! Ya not so good at reading signs are you, Cutie? My Forced Fem Stepson got everyone else their drinks order and you apple juice in a Little Mermaid sippy cup because he likes you. Since his reconditioning humiliating boys is his love language, he was never that mean to girls before I got him Bitched TBH. He talks about you non stop, well ever since he met you and I thought it would be a bit full up but that Femmy Brat tantrummed until I invited you." "How very alpha of you Tommy tattling to my Mommy! You didn't mean to? I'm sure Lauren won't mean to pull my panties round my ankles, flip up my party dress and spank my bare bottom cherry red over her lap later then. This party is Dorksville anyway, you are by far the prettiest thing here, Honey. Come along we'll go to my room and ki...